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    Preparing Your High-End Property for the Summer Season: A Comprehensive Guide

    Discover essential tips for summer preparation for home maintenance with our comprehensive guide. Learn how to optimize your high-end property's air conditioning, roofing, landscaping, and more to ensure a seamless summer.

    As the warm days of summer approach, high-end property owners must consider the essential maintenance tasks that ensure their homes remain in pristine condition. Summer brings unique challenges and opportunities for property care, from landscaping and exterior upkeep to ensuring your cooling systems are up to the task. Here’s a detailed guide to help you prepare your luxurious home for a trouble-free summer.

    1. Air Conditioning Tune-Up


    Your air conditioning system will be your best friend as temperatures rise. A well-functioning system is crucial not only for comfort but also for preventing high humidity levels which can damage fine interiors.

    • Schedule a professional service: Have a certified HVAC technician perform a comprehensive check that includes cleaning filters, checking fluid levels, and assessing the efficiency of the system.
    • Consider upgrades: If your system is older, upgrading to a more energy-efficient unit can reduce your energy bills and improve cooling effectiveness.

    2. Roof Inspection and Repair


    Winter can be harsh on roofing materials. Before summer storms arrive, it’s important to ensure that your roof is in top shape to avoid leaks which can lead to costly interior damage.

    • Hire a professional roofer: A thorough inspection should focus on missing, loose, or worn shingles and tiles, and the integrity of seals and flashing.
    • Clean gutters and downspouts: Ensuring these are clear of debris will prevent water accumulation and damage to the roof and foundation.

    3. Landscaping and Grounds Maintenance


    A well-manicured landscape enhances the beauty and value of your home and creates a welcoming environment for summer entertaining.

    • Regular lawn care: Schedule weekly mowing and bi-weekly edging and trimming. Consider a lawn treatment service to address any pest or weed issues.
    • Tree and shrub care: Have large trees inspected for dead limbs that could pose risks in storms. Trim hedges and shrubs to promote growth and maintain aesthetics.

    4. Exterior Cleaning


    Dirt and grime from previous seasons can accumulate, detracting from your home’s beauty and potentially causing damage over time.

    • Power wash: Schedule a professional power washing for siding, decks, patios, and other exterior surfaces to remove dirt buildup.
    • Window cleaning: Clean both inside and outside of windows to enhance natural lighting and the view of your outdoor spaces.

    5. Deck and Patio Inspection


    Your outdoor living spaces will see increased use during summer, making their safety and appearance a priority.

    • Check for damage: Inspect wood or stone for signs of wear like cracks, splinters, or loose pieces.
    • Seal and protect: Apply sealant to wood surfaces to prevent water damage and fading. Stone patios may require re-sanding of joints or a sealant for protection.

    6. Pool Maintenance


    If your property includes a pool, regular maintenance is essential for both aesthetics and health.

    • Schedule opening services: Have a professional clean, fill, and balance chemicals in your pool. Ensure all equipment is running smoothly.
    • Safety checks: Verify that fencing and pool covers meet local safety standards and are in good repair.

    7. Pest Control


    Warm weather can bring pests that not only annoy but can damage your property and endanger health.

    • Preventative treatments: Hire a pest control service to apply treatments around the perimeter of your home and near any water sources.
    • Regular inspections: Check for signs of infestation, particularly in wood structures and around the foundation.

    8. Check Irrigation Systems


    Proper irrigation is key to maintaining your landscape during the hot summer months.

    • System check-up: Have a professional inspect your sprinkler system for leaks, broken heads, and efficiency of coverage.
    • Adjust settings: Ensure the system is set to water at optimal times, usually early morning, to reduce evaporation and maximize water usage efficiency.
    Handy Summer Check list
    Air Con Tune & Filters
    Roof Inspection and gutters
    Landscaping Grounds Maintenance & pruning
    Exterior House and window wash
    Deck & Patio Inspection, clean & repairs
    Pool Filters & maintenance
    Pests Control & check traps
    Irrigation Check & repairs
    Talk to us about MAINTAIN options.


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